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Today you earn money for your living & your loved ones. What if you have to think of a way to sustain your lifestyle even after retiring? By the time you retire if you have a fund that has multiplied in to a bigger fund to spend the rest of you retirement life wouldn’t that be a big relief to you? Therefore it is better to plan your life after retirement during the time you actively work. Saru Retirement plans will be your best friend in designing your life after retirement. Plan your retirement with Saru Retirement plans today. 


10 Perch


Rs. 600,000

75 Plants

Guarantee Return

Rs. 60,000

Illustraed Return

Rs. 4,320,000

20 Perch


Rs. 1,200,000

150 Plants

Guarantee Return

Rs. 120,000

Illustraed Return

Rs. 8,640,000

30 Perch


Rs. 1,800,000

225 Plants

Guarantee Return

Rs. 180,000

Illustraed Return

Rs. 12,960,000

40 Perch


Rs. 2,400,000

300 Plants

Guarantee Return

Rs. 240,000

Illustraed Return

Rs. 17,280,000

80 Perch


Rs. 4,800,000

600 Plants

Guarantee Return

Rs. 480,000

Illustraed Return

Rs. 34,560,000

1 Acre


Rs. 9,600,000

1200 Plants

Guarantee Return

Rs. 960,000

Illustraed Return

Rs. 69,120,000

Get in touch with us for all your Saving & Investment needs for the future. Invest with us and Secure a better future.

+94 38 228 1220