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Wasi is a short term investment plan that you could reap benefits in short time span. Below are the Investment plans that you could choose to invest on

10 Perch


Rs. 600,000

75 Plants

Guarantee Return

Rs. 2,100,000

Illustraed Return

Rs. 3,600,000

20 Perch


Rs. 1,200,000

150 Plants

Guarantee Return

Rs. 4,200,000

Illustraed Return

Rs. 7,200,000

30 Perch


Rs. 1,800,000

225 Plants

Guarantee Return

Rs. 6,300,000

Illustraed Return

Rs. 10,800,000

40 Perch


Rs. 2,400,000

300 Plants

Guarantee Return

Rs. 8,400,000

Illustraed Return

Rs. 14,400,000

80 Perch


Rs. 4,800,000

600 Plants

Guarantee Return

Rs. 16,800,000

Illustraed Return

Rs. 28,800,000

1 Acre


Rs. 9,600,000

1200 Plants

Guarantee Return

Rs. 33,600,000

Illustraed Return

Rs. 57,600,000

Get in touch with us for all your Saving & Investment needs for the future. Invest with us and Secure a better future.

+94 38 228 1220